For Best & Latest Treatment for Fissure
Don't wait or self medicate. See a doctor now
Symptoms of Fissure
- Pain or burning after the passage of stools
- Bleeding after the stool
- Constipation due to fear of pain
- Diarrhoea especially in children
- Pruritus
- Discharge if fistula occurs
Any symptoms related to the anal canal are mistaken by the patient and layman as piles or haemorrhoids which is not true. The surgeon distinguishes each disease of bleeding per rectum and other symptoms and comes to a proper diagnosis and treatment thereafter. One must be cautious of this fact since misdiagnosis and not taking appropriate treatment on time may land someone in problem for untreated or delayed treatment for other serious diseases such as cancer etc
What is Fissure?
An anal fissure or fissure in Ano is a break or tear in the skin that lines the opening of the canal. It occurs most commonly between 15-40 yrs of age group. If the fissure persists for more than 6 weeks than it is called a chronic anal fissure and characterized by the presence of external skin tag which is called a sentinel pile.
Causes of Fissure
Fissures are usually caused by trauma to the inner lining of the anus by:
- Passage of hard stools
- Trauma during childbirth
- IBD, TB, STD, malignancy
- Anal intercourse and finger evacuation
- Frequent defecation
- Initial treatment includes general measures like dietary changes, laxatives to normalize bowel habits, lifestyle modifications, sitting in a tub of warm water etc.
- If this therapy fails then the doctor will most probably recommend you some chemical sphincterotomy agents available in form of creams with a due explanation on their side effects.
- Finally, surgery is the most definitive treatment and at some time offered even without undergoing conservative treatment if the symptoms are very severe.
Now you have Laser Surgery option too. Please see right side image to view the details.
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